Fifth Grade
5th Grade
Anderson, Janet S.. "Going Through the Gate". Novel.
Anno, Mitsumasa. "Anno's USA". Picture Book.
Armstrong, Jennifer. "King Crow". Picture Book.
Avi. "Barn, The". Novel.
Avi. "Devil's Race". Novel.
Avi. "Nothing But the Truth". Novel.
Babbitt, Natalie. "Tuck Everlasting". Novel.
Baillie, Allan. "Rebel". Picture Book.
Barron, T. A.. "Heartlight". Novel.
Bauer, Marion. "On My Honor". Novel.
Bauer, Marion Dane. "Writer's Story, A". Nonfiction.
Baylor, Byrd. "I'm in Charge of Celebrations". Illustrated by Peter Parnall. Picture Book.
Baylor, Byrd. "Table Where Rich People Sit, The". Picture Book.
Beatty, Patricia. "Charley Skedaddle". Novel.
Brooks, Bruce. "Everywhere". Novel.
Brooks, Bruce. "Moves Make the Man, The". Novel.
Buehner, Mark and Caralyn. "Fanny's Dream". Picture Book.
Bunting, Eve. "Train to Somewhere". Illustrated by Ron Himler. Picture Book.
Burch, Robert. "Ida Early Comes Over the Mountain". Novel.
Burgess, Melvin. "Cry of the Wolf, The". Novel.
Byars, Betsy. "Keeper of the Doves". Novel.
Byars, Betsy. "Moon and I". Nonfiction.
Byars, Betsy. Pinballs, The. Novel.
Campbell, Eric. "Place of Lions, The". Novel.
Cazet, Denys. "Never Spit on Your Shoes". Picture Book.
Cherry, Lynne. "River Ran Wild, A". Picture Book.
Childcraft. "Inventors and Inventions". Nonfiction.
Christelow, Eileen. "What Do Authors Do?". Picture Book.
Christopher Paul Curtis. "Bud, Not Buddy". Novel.
Cohen, Barbara. "Thank You, Jackie Robinson". Novel.
Coman, Carolyn. "What Jamie Saw". Novel.
Connor, Leslie. "Miss Bridie Chose a Shovel". Illustrated by Mary Azarian. Picture Book.
Conrad, Pam. "My Daniel". Novel.
Conrad, Pam. "Prairie Songs". Novel.
Conrad, Pam. "Prairie Visions". Nonfiction.
Cormier, Robert. I Am the Cheese. Novel.
Creech, Sharon. "Walk Two Moons". Novel.
Cresswell, Helen. "Night Watchmen, The". Novel.
Curtis, Christopher Paul. "Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963, The". Novel.
Cushman, Karen. "Catherine, Called Birdy". Novel.
Cushman, Karen. "Midwife's Apprentice, The". Novel.
DeFelice, Cynthia. "Strange Night Writing of Jessamine Colter, The". Novel.
DeFelice, Cynthia. "Weasel". Novel.
Dorris, Michael. "Morning Girl". Novel.
Erdrich, Louise. "Birchbark House, The". novel.
Estes, Eleanor. "Rufus M".. Novel.
Fleischman, Paul. "Borning Room, The". Novel.
Fleischman, Paul. "Bull Run". Novel.
Fleischman, Paul. "Dateline: Troy". Novel.
Fox, Paula. "Monkey Island". Novel.
Fox, Paula. "Village by the Sea, The". Novel.
Friedman, Carl. "Nightfather". Novel.
Fritz, Jean. "Traitor: the Case of Benedict Arnold". Nonfiction.
George, Jean Craighead. "Julie of the Wolves". Novel.
Giff, Patricia Reilly. "Nory Ryan's Song". Novel.
George, Jean Craighead. "On the Far Side of the Mountain". Novel.
Gerstein, Mordicai. "Man Who Walked Between the Towers, The". Picture Book Nonfiction.
Hahn, Mary Downing. "Daphne's Book". Novel.
Hahn, Mary Downing. "Stepping on the Cracks". Novel.
Hahn, Mary Downing. "Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story". Novel.
Hahn, Mary Downing. "Wait Till Helen Comes". Novel.
Hamilton, Virginia. "Wille Bea and the Time the Martians Landed". Novel.
Harris, Robie H.. "It's Perfectly Normal". Nonfiction.
Hathorn, Libby. "Way Home". Picture Book.
Heide, Florence Parry. "Sami and the Time of the Troubles". Illustrated by Ted Lewin. Picture Book.
Hobbs, Will. "Kokopelli's Flute". Novel.
Holman, Felice. "Slake's Limbo". Novel.
Hoose, Phillip. "It's Our World Too". Nonfiction.
Hughes, Pat. "The Breaker Boys". Novel.
Hunter, Mollie. "Mermaid Summer". Novel.
Hunter, Mollie. "Wicked One, The: A Story of Suspense". Novel.
Hurst, Carol Otis. "Torchlight". novel.
Jacques, Brian. "Redwall". Novel.
Johnson, James Weldon. "Creation". Illustrated by Carla Golembe. Picture Book.
Johnson, P.D. "Henry Hikes to Fitchburg". Picture Book. Grades 2 and up.
Kadohata, Cynthia. "Kira-Kira". Novel.
Keehn, Sally M.. "I Am Regina". Novel.
King-Smith, Dick. "Babe the Gallant Pig". Novel.
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie. "Night the Bells Rang, The". Novel.
Lasky, Kathryn. "Beyond the Divide". Novel.
Lasky, Kathryn. "Night Journey, The". Novel.
Lawrence, R. D.. "Wolves". Nonfiction.
Lechner, Jack. "Mary Had a Little Lamp'. Illustrated by Bob Staake. Picture Book.
Leeuwen, Jean Van. "Dear Mom, You're Ruining My Life". Novel.
Levoy, Myron. "Alan and Naomi". Novel.
Lisle, Janet Taylor. "Afternoon of the Elves". Novel.
Lowry, Lois. "Autumn Street". Novel.
Lowry, Lois. "Number the Stars". Novel.
Lowry, Lois. "Rabble Starkey". Novel.
Lunn, Janet. "Root Cellar, The". Novel.
Macaulay, David. "Black and White". Picture Book.
MacLachlan, Patricia. "Facts and Fictions of Minna Pratt, The". Novel.
MacLachlan, Patricia. "Journey". Novel.
Morpurgo, Michael. "War of Jenkins' Ear, The". Novel.
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. "Shiloh". Novel.
Nixon, Joan Lowry. "Beats Me, Claude". Picture Book.
Park, Barbar. "Mick Harte Was Here". Novel.
Park, Linda Sue. "Single Shard, A". Novel.
Park, Ruth. "Things in Corners". Novel.
Paterson, Katherine. "Come Sing, Jimmy Jo". Novel.
Paterson, Katherine. "Jacob Have I Loved". Novel.
Paterson, Katherine. "Lyddie". Novel.
Paul, Ann Whitford. "All By Herself". Illustrated by Michael Steimagle. Picture Book Nonfiction.
Paulsen, Gary. "Alida's Song". Novel.
Paulsen, Gary. "Call Me Francis Tucket". Novel.
Paulsen, Gary. "Foxman, The". Novel.
Paulsen, Gary. "Haymeadow, The". Novel.
Paulsen, Gary. "Popcorn Days and Buttermilk Nights". Novel.
Paulsen, Gary. "Winter Room, The". Novel.
Paulsen, Gary. "Woodsong". Novel.
Pearce, Philippa. "Tom's Midnight Garden". Novel.
Peck, Richard. "Anonymously Yours". Nonfiction.
Peck, Richard. "Ghost Belonged to Me, The". Novel.
Peck, Richard. "Long Way from Chicago, A". Novel.
Philbrick, Rodman. "Freak the Mighty". Novel.
Polacco, Patricia. "Pink and Say". Picture Book.
Ray, Deborah Kogan. "To Go Singing Through the World: The Childhood of Pablo Neruda". Picture Book.
Reeder, Carolyn. "Shades of Gray". Novel.
Richter, Conrad. "Light in the Forest, The". Novel.
Rowling, J. K.. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". Novel.
Rylant, Cynthia. "Children of Christmas". Illustrated by S. D. Schindler. Novel.
Rylant, Cynthia. "Fine White Dust, A". Novel.
Sachs, Marilyn. "At the Sound of the Beep". Novel.
Sandler, Martin W.. "Library of Congress Book of Presidents". Nonfiction.
Sis, Peter. "Three Golden Keys, The". Picture Book.
Smith, Jane Denitz. "Mary By Myself". novel.