AUP - Acceptable Use Policy

  • AUP (Acceptable Use Policy)

    At the beginning of every school year Mrs. Stott and Mr. Smith go over the AUP with all Grade 3-5 classes. We discuss it in terms that the students can understand. Each child is asked to sign their name indicating that we have discussed the AUP and they will follow it. Below is a copy of what they sign:

    I understand that the use of computers in my school is a privilege. If I don’t follow the school’s rules for using the computer, I will lose this privilege. I may also have consequences against me according to the law.

    As a user of the Orchard Park School District Computer Network, I hereby agree to follow the rules of the Acceptable Use Policy and will behave in a responsible fashion as discussed in class.

    For the complete Orchard Park AUP please click here.