Homework assignments will be made available as they are assigned. As part of your child's homework, he/she should be reading for at least 40 minutes each day from a good fit book. 20 minutes are completed during the school day during Reader's Workshop. The remaining 20 is to be completed at home. Make sure your child has a quiet space, with good light, and a place to jot their ideas as they read (post-its work great!)
Students are also expected to practice their math fluency every day. By third grade, students should already be able to fluently add and subtract up to 20. We are focusing on multiplication facts now. Students should be practicing x0, x1, x2, x5, and x10. If your child needs more practice with addition &/or subtraction, spend the first part of math time on those.
NOTE: Students' agenda books are the primary place to look for homework assignments as there may be times when unforeseen events may cause the online calendar to become inaccurate. Please remember to check your child's agenda book daily!