3 Branches of Government


    Your goal is to research the three branches of government at the Federal level (national).


    1.      The most important job responsibility or purpose of each branch.

    2.      Name the job titles of the leaders of each branch.

    3.      Two or three other important, interesting facts about each branch.


    Follow these steps:

    -          Choose one website (choose the website you feel gives you the most information) and take notes using the note taking handout.  Keep the notes in your Social Studies journal or red folder. 

    -          Use one dataabase.  Use one article from the Grolier database.  Take notes on the article using the note taking handout.  To use the database, follow these directions:

    o   Under databases, select GoGrolier

    o   To use databases you need a username as password. These can be found on your assignment sheet.

    o   In the 'Find' box, type 'united states government' and click on 'Search'.

    o   Choose the best article from the results list and use that article as your database source.

    -          Use one book and take notes.  Keep the notes in your social studies journal or folder.  Be sure to name the titles in your notes.

    -          See your teacher for approval of your notes.  Initials______________

    -          Organize your information into three well-written paragraphs, one for each branch.  Use a separate sheet of paper for each branch.  Use the rules for writing a rough draft.

    -          Edit and revise your three rough drafts.

    -          See your teacher again for approval of your rough drafts.



    YOUR PROJECT IS DUE ON­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­____________________________________________________.







    Websites (Choose 1):



          Search: "united states government"
