Social Studies Supply Lists



All teachers require pens, #2 pencils, and loose leaf college ruled paper.


I.          In general, for Global 9, Honors 9, Global 10, AP Euro, US 11:


            12 - 15 subject dividers with pockets

            3 ring binder - 2 1/2" to 3"

            colored pencils/markers


            spiral notebook - check teacher

            spiral notebook w/per - check teacher

            access to an atlas - check teacher

            index cards - 3 x 5" - 100 count - check teacher

            notebook with 4 folders - check teacher


II.         AP US 11- Specifically Requires:


AP Book - @ Borders = Story of American Freedom by Eric Foner (c. 1998 or newer)  W.W. North & Company


III.        Electives will address class needs on Day #1.