Science Supply Lists
Orchard Park High School Science Supply List
General Supply List for ALL Science Courses
Students should have:
Pens, Pencils, Paper
Scientific calculator (non-graphing)*
Binder or folder
*Note: A scientific calculator purchased as a freshman will be used for all future science courses.
Course - Specific Supply List:
In addition to the general supplies listed above, the courses below require additional items as listed.
If your course is not listed below, you need only the items listed above.
Advanced Biology
3- ring binders (2 inch) – two needed
20 pair disposable gloves (vinyl or latex)
Colored pencils (small set - 8 to 12)
Bound, blank page journal or sketch book (book or spiral bound – not gummed)
Clothes and shoes appropriate for work outdoors in the fall and spring weather
3- ring binder (1 1/2 inch)
Metric ruler
Two-pocket Folder for lab (Regents physics only)
Regents Biology
3-ring binder (2 inch)
- 2-pocket lab folder
Students may be asked to bring in 1 or 2 additional items throughout the year.