Math Department Supply Lists
Math Department Supply Lists
A graphing calculator is required on all Regents exams. The school district will be providing them for all students enrolled in Regents classes in the following manner:
Algebra 1 (CC), Geometry (CC), and Algebra 2 (CC)
Once a student has a calculator assigned to him/her, they will be able to use it for the remainder of their math classes here at the high school.
If you have technical questions about the calculator, please contact Bret Norvilitis, mathematics department Instructional Leader, at the House 2 office (209-6223).
Fundamentals of Algebra:
- 1 2” 3-ring binder
- Filler paper (narrow or wide ruled)
- Dividers for different chapters
- Scientific calculator (graphing calculator optional for this non-Regents class)
- Pens
- Pencils
- Straightedge
Algebra 1:
- 1 2” 3-ring binder
- Filler paper (narrow or wide ruled)
- Dividers for different chapters
- Pens
- Pencils
- Straightedge
Honors Geometry/Geometry:
- 1 one inch 3-ring binder
- Filler paper
- 1 folder for daily assignments
- Pencils
- Eraser
- Straightedge
- Compass
Algebra II/Trigonometry:
- 1 1/2 inch binder (8 dividers)
- filler paper
- pens (blue or black, red)
- pencils
- current calculator
Honors Alg2/Algebra 2:
- 1 one inch 3-ring binder
- Filler paper
- 1 folder for daily assignments
- 1 LARGE spiral notebook (Honors only)
- Pens
- Pencils
- Eraser
- Straightedge
- Current calculator
Precalculus AB/BC
- spiral graphing notebook
- folder or 3 ring binder
- loose leaf paper
- pens/pencils/erasers
- current calculator
AP Stats:
- 1 LARGE spiral notebook
- 1 folder OR one 3-ring binder for handouts
- Pens
- Pencils
- Eraser
- Straightedge
- Current calculator
AP Calculus AB/BC:
- 1 LARGE spiral notebook
- 1 folder OR one 3-ring binder for handouts
- Pens
- Pencils
- Current calculator