Dear Parents,
Character counts at Eggert Elementary and we continue working hard to teach our students to accomplish the attributes reflected in our commitment to these Character Education traits:
- Respect and Responsibility
- Honesty
- Tolerance
- Perseverance
- Citizenship
The way our students act and work with others impact all of us and we are working hard to teach and reinforce behavioral expectations. We encourage and appreciate your support of our character education program at home, as well.
Your child is:
H – Helpful
E – Excellence
A – Attitude
R – Respect/Responsibility
T – Treat others with KindnessChildren who earn a “heart” will be recognized at the various assemblies we hold throughout the school year. Your child will bring their “heart” home for you to celebrate and encourage their continued character as demonstrated in the school setting.
Several programs are tied into our character education system:
Code of Conduct:
- Peaceful School Bus
- School-wide Assemblies
- Class Meetings
- Safety Patrol
- Year-end Celebration
Your Character Education Committee
Eggert Elementary School